
Likely Bust Cycle

This cycle is totally a bust, and I am disappointed to say the least.  Everything was looking so good, then enter yeast infection and sister family drama, which lead to dh and I fighting.

I had two days of fertile CM.  And then it stopped cold.  Likely due to stress.  Then I question-am I pre peak or post peak?  It matters because of all the meds!  I had 6 days fertile CM last cycle (when we had to avoid!) but who knows what is normal as I have only been medicated two cycles since I had my son.  TCIE came to the rescue and advised me that taking hcg pre peak wouldn't hurt.  I was waiting back for a call from Hilger's office, since my fertility care didn't feel comfortable advising.  Dr. H's office agreed, saying hcg early wouldn't hurt, but I figure it would if I didn't take it in case we had a little life to support (we had used the second day).  So I took the hcg late 4,6,and today is 8, so getting a blood draw and doing the shot tonight.  I didn't take the estrogen I usually do post peak because Dr. H's office said it wouldn't be good-wish I had asked more-why it wouldn't be good and would it hurt a developing baby if I was post peak and didn't take it...

I was just sure I would relax and fertile CM would return.  Here I am P+8 and no sign.  So strange.  I do feel I am relaxed-in laws were in town this weekend and it was fun, had to stop all obligations and just visit etc, nice!  The only exception is lack of sleep, but I don't think that disrupted fertile CM before as I highly doubt I was sleeping well last cycle-pretty sure I haven't slept through the night but twice since December thanks to Charlie's "issues." :)

I have been having ab pain, so I wonder if my cycle is approaching and the 2 days was really "it."  Then I suppose there is a chance.  It only takes "one" right?!  I wonder, again, if the ab pain means another lap is in my future in Omaha soon.  My last was 2006...but I thought a pregnancy is supposed to help...

Oh yes, and since I didn't know if I was pre or post peak, I chose to continue amox so I wouldn't miss the CM.  And...herein enters yeast-again.  I am looking into other remedies today-apple cider vinegar, specific probiotic, something.  Any suggestions appreciated!


Second Chances said...

You never know! We thought we totally missed our window of opportunity this past cycle and voila! It's unexplainable sometimes. Also, I had VERY little CM this past cycle. Keep your hopes up! As for recurring yeast, I have the same problem WITHOUT antibiotics! Let me know if you find a cure. I HATE YEAST! Praying this cycle is NOT a bust :)

Leila@LittleCatholicBubble said...

I am totally hopeful for you this cycle! Keep us informed. I am praying!

Sissy said...

Isn't it fun when you know it's the days you're supposed to be together and you are fighting. Once, Charlie was so sick and it was the day. I felt bad for him, but we did it anyway. Still didn't get pregnant, though!

tge said...

It's crazy to me that stress can affect our bodies like that--complex machines aren't they?

I hope you didn't miss your window, in any case.

By the way, I'm starting the book now...a little travel reading :)

Amy @ This Cross I Embrace said...

Honey, if I knew how to get rid of post-Peak pasty, I'd have started said remedy YEARS ago! Even Nystatin/Diflucan for 2 weeks did nothing for me. (But a recent Pap test analyzed the type of yeast, and it was the kind you get from stress... clearly I've just been a big ball of stress for years now.)

WheelbarrowRider said...

Thanks for all the prayers everyone! I have been cramping for days, so only a matter of time. Fertile CM never returned. TCIE, I had no idea you could get post peak pasty from stress! I actually had pre and post peak for a long time and it is just starting to creep back in. Interesting! Mine is likely due to stress from our family dynamic. Thank you for that information. You would be one rich girl! On a very positive note, yesterday was the first day in ages Charlie slept through the night! His tummy has been recovered since the weekend and a tooth popped through Monday, so I knew it was only a matter of time!