
Letter 7 from 7.13.08

July 13th, 2008


I am so excited! It seems like it is right around the corner that you will be here! Today I woke up anxious to continue our preparations. We have made great strides on our list in preparation for you coming, but there is much more to do! We have sold my old car.. We have chosen a pediatrician for you that I am confident in. We have chosen godparents for you, good friends from church, that we are confident in. We are researching daycare and babysitters so you will be well taken care of when we are apart from each other. We are working on child proofing the house. We are looking forward to our baby showers, our child care/birthing/nursing classes, and our baptism preparation classes.

We had a sad event in the family this week. Your great grandfather, Kayo Thomas, passed away. He is my daddy’s daddy, and he will be greatly missed. My sister and my growing belly reminded everyone that this is they cycle of life.

I had another great doctor’s appointment this week. He measured my belly and it was 28 inches, perfect for 28 weeks (top to bottom)-across I am more like 40 inches! ":) He said all is well, and he was happy to see me grow. I passed my glucose test and was borderline for low iron, so he wants me to be sure to eat foods rich in iron. I would do anything for you, baby! I will start appointments every two weeks now, instead of once a month, and I am excited to have another ultrasound at the next one. Daddy will be right there to see how much you’ve grown. I know it is a lot, as you are so strong already. I wonder how you will fit as you continue to grow?

One more thing-I have started reading you stories. Daddy has joined in on the fun. I enjoy the princess’ kiss book, but lately we’ve been reading you a love story every day. Daddy and I take turns telling you how much we love you with a new book called “You’re my little love bug!”

Finally, I am preparing a scrap book for you so you can have all these letters and photos and things I describe to you all in one place. I can’t wait to share it with you!

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