8.28.08, 35weeks, 3 days, Ultrasound was done early due to low progesteron (for my own comfort). Femur was 36w1 day, stomach was 34 w and head was 34 w 6 days side to side and 35 w 3 d circumferance. The est weight is 5lb 8 oz and the fluid was good too-7.87
9.3.08, 36 w 1 day, Measured 36 1/2 weeks! Right on schedule!
9.4.09, 36 w 2 days, Prog was about 129 so low zone 2, still went off progesterone at 37 weeks as was the original plan. Okay if baby comes early now...
9.10.08, 37 weeks 1 day, Iron came back at 33%, still relatively borderline; they accidently goofed my group b and refrigerated it so they redid it that week and it came back negative; I've gained 38 lbs! They guessed the baby to be 6 lbs 12 oz, the heartrate was high due to him/her being very active, 160s, 170s, First check to see if dilated-a 2! 60% effaced, stateion was -3 or -2, definitely noticing the drop. I measured 37 1/2 weeks.
9.17.08, 38 weeks 1 day, Heartrate was 172, -2 station, 75% effaced, measured 38 weeks, still dilated to 2.
9.24.08, 39 weeks 1 day, 75% effaced, still 2 cm, measured 39 weeks, heartrate 132, lower heartbeat could be a sign of coming soon, same wtih loose bowels. I got anxious and let ob/gyn "stretch" my cervix.
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