
Advent Prayer Buddy Revealed

I've been praying for Mrs. Mike and what a blessing it has been.  I got to know her better by carefully reading select entries in her blog and I was so impressed with how articulate and faith filled she is!  I have really enjoyed getting to know her.  I had barely finished up this homework (and saw how much we both had in common in terms of being moms, but still part of the IF world...) when she emailed me, having just learned some about me and wanting to know about infections and Dr. Toth etc based on a comment I had left her.  I really enjoyed our emails and following her blog.  It was through that I saw that she was praying the Christmas Novena and the Novena for the Immaculate Conception.  I had never prayed either before, so I thought I would join her in these prayers.  My intention for her was "to heal (name's) desire to have a biological child soon, in whatever way You see most fit; and give her the Grace to carry out Your will for her."  When I was done with the Immaculate Conception Novena, I added my own person favorite, the Novena to St. Raphael for healing.  Not only do I feel like I have gained a friend through this process, but I am also grateful for opportunity to put my own self aside to concentrate on someone else this advent season.  Additionally, it was great to create the habit of setting aside time carved out for prayer-that has slipped away this last year, I am embarrassed to admit.  The advent prayer buddies was a wonderful experience-thanks TCIE and Sew for organizing!


mrsblondies said...

What a perfect pray buddy match. I hope you have a Merry Christmas. I'm praying for you.

Fertile Thoughts said...

Thanks so much for adding the prayer with your comment on my blog. It really is a consoling prayer...I mean with what the words say and all. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!
Many prayers

WheelbarrowRider said...

Amber, I am so glad you liked it! It did so much for me! Mrs. Blondies, thanks so much for your prayers and kind words! Merry Christmas to you both!