
Christmas Pictures (warning-baby pics!)-****updated w/ addt'l funny pic*****

look closely at this next one-extra funny!


Sew said...

and what cute baby pics they are!!!!!!! Look how excited he looks about his little red car!!! ahhhh! :)

Alisha said...

Very cute pics! Love the car pic!

tge said...

I love happy babies...he looks psyched to be in that car :)

WheelbarrowRider said...

we got the car from craig's list. we took him to toys r us ages ago and he was pretty little but he just sat in it and grinned and grinned. he kept opening and shutting the door. he loves doors and we found out later that his sitter has the same car, but hers have no doors, so that was extra novel. so funny! we have to hide it in the basement and bring it out on occasion b/c he is still pretty little and slips through the floorboad. it is hard not to laugh at him, and of course he finds thsi quite frustrating. I will post pic.