We also have set up playdates and such to keep us busy. One on Tuesday next week will be exceptionally important as my appointment isn't until 1 or so CST. This friend knows I am pregnant, has had infertility and losses herself, and will be great. Today I attended a breakfast for volunteers at my son's school for Catholic schools week. I am helping plan a Kindergarten mom's night out. I have several dates scheduled to be at my son's school for lunchroom duty and atrium/CGS duty, in addition to part time work and my weekly bible study and time as an atrium helper with the preschoolers. This weekend we are having a couple over with their kids to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday, Charlie has a basketball game, we have a kid's birthday party we are attending, and I have a girls night out. I have never in my life had this full of a social calendar :) Maybe at some point, I will take the Christmas tree down :)
I have gone to church, gone to adoration, said more rosary, more divine mercy chaplets, more Holy Spirit prayers, and more St. Gerard novena's then ever before in my life. It won't be crazy if I have said two rosaries and two divine mercy chaplets before the day is done!
Praying for others has also been a great distraction. Fr. Gerard, who gave me the blessing, is in the Philippines for a funeral for a family member, so he is in my prayers. Additionally, a good friend is struggling to know God's will in a situation that is putting her at odds with her husband. I promised to offer up my waiting for her, and I am happy to provide greater meaning to it. I have a cousin who is a church planter (non-Catholic) looking for affordable housing in the DC area, so I have been praying for that.
And good news never hurts. Yesterday, on my day off, right before watching my nephew I rocked a work issue and really diffused a situation. I felt great about that. Dh, who has been looking for better employment for approximately 5 yrs had an amazing interview yesterday that he totally rocked. The company is a great fit, great hours, less work that he is doing now-yet challenging and interesting, more pay, little travel, better title, great location, great boss, room to move up to boss' position in less than ten years...it just can't get any better. He no sooner wrote her a thank you email when she replied that he got the second interview (one of two, down from six) and that instead of flying him to another location she is likely flying the guy in (which is huge, he can't leave town in Feb due to his current job). I am just so hopeful. And seeing him hopeful is incredible. The only downfall is his busy time, while less than his current job, is timed around when our baby is due so that might be interesting. I didn't mind hearing this-I want him to get this job and seeing it was not 1000% perfect just made it feel more realistic. Maybe we will get even more good news next week-on baby and job front. Oh I would be so happy!
The HCG is still being reviewed by insurance. they sent it higher up. Progesterone was approved, but they are out of it. Good thing I have a month's more left. So I need to see when they expect to get it back in. Kubats is always a reasonable backup, or any local pharmacy for non-compounded. Mostly I just go with the diluted stuff as it's just so cheaper.
I continue to have dreams, but not as vivid. I don't have a lot of cramping, but no bleeding either.
So that's about it. Thanks for all of your continued prayers!
- God, give us grace to accept with serenity
- the things that cannot be changed,
- Courage to change the things
- which should be changed,
- and the Wisdom to distinguish
- the one from the other.
- Living one day at a time,
- Enjoying one moment at a time,
- Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
- Taking, as Jesus did,
- This sinful world as it is,
- Not as I would have it,
- Trusting that You will make all things right,
- If I surrender to Your will,
- So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
- And supremely happy with You forever in the next.
- Amen.
Continued prayers! So excited about your husband's job interview and your sister's wedding!
Have a great weekend!
Wow. Definitely lots going on for you guys. Congrats to C and K. It should be a fun week for you!
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