
She's almost here...

...I can feel it.  My body is preparing for the worst period of my life.  Period as in AF.  My last "real" period was in Dec. 2007.  Yes 2007!  I (oops, we!) conceived my (our) son in Jan. 2008, he was born in Oct. 2008, I nursed until mid to late Sept. 2009, and I had the tiniest easiest first period recently on Oct. 25th.  Seriously, 4 days of light per CrMS charting.  I couldn't believe what a breeze it was (and very very odd too-just a few days about Peak!).  A normal period for me is 5-7 days, mostly med, some L and VL.  Not too bad.  But after all this time not having one...Then my sister enlightened me-the first isn't that bad, its the 2nd one that kills you. Since then, I have had nausea, extreme tiredness, and just feeling strange, but there is no BFP and I am sure it is a rush of hormones-look out hubby!  Just kidding!  The last 2 or 3 days I have had these brief cramps first thing in the morning that about take me to the floor.  I hope that this in no way interferes with our 3 hr drive to my in laws for a nice family Thanksgiving.  I will be packing tons of feminine products!  I wonder if the period coming back means all the other fun things-bowel involvement etc.  I don't have bad menstral cramps typically, but I do get really sensitive to certain foods (grease, dairy, caffeine I think) that results in major intenstinal cramping  and I have been relieved of all that for quite sometime.  I definitely would not be looking forward to that.  However, the positive side is that I have been awaiting the return of AF for quite sometime since that means ttc again.  And here she comes, in full effect, any day now!


Welcome! said...

Just saw your comments over on my blog. I loved being in Omaha. Dr. Hilgers and the staff were wonderful. I have always felt so safe and taken care of under his care. While it was surgery, it also felt like a vacation.

I look forward to reading your journey. Your son is so cute.

mrsblondies said...

Thanks for the comments on my blog. I read your archives. Your son is very cute, and I hope TTC #2 goes well. I look forward to hearing about your journey for your second.