
All Lab Results Are Not Alike

I have removed my recent post due to its "inflammatory" nature (not your comments, basically my title which was not correct in hindsight).  That wasn't my intent and I assure you, I am working on it.  I seem to be having a lot of "foot in mouth moments."  Sigh.  I hope you all know that I really do mean well.

However, the information I gained from it was very useful and new to me, so I am including it here.  In the words of the lovely Mrs. Blondies, "Dr. Hilgers uses a different scale (ng/dL) than what you often see in other labs (pg/mL) so the number from Dr. Hilgers are going to look like 1/10 of the numbers of what other labs will say. So estrogen that is 259 pg/mL from another lab is actually 25.9 ng/dL on the scale used by Dr. Hilgers.  The progesterone scales seems to be the same across labs (ng/mL)"


mrsblondies said...

I actually should have written estrogen there, the progesterone scale seems to be the same across labs(ng/mL), but thanks for highlighting what I said :).

prayerfuljourney said...

Good information to know.

BTW: I changed my blog address too: livinggodswill.blogspot.com. Hope you'll continue sharing your thoughts. :)

Chasing said...

That's really helpful info! I was wondering why PPVI said my numbers were good, yet compared to what others posted they were low!

WheelbarrowRider said...

I am so glad some of you also found this new information and I wasn't the only one who didn't realize! :)

WheelbarrowRider said...

Mrs. Blondies, I made the correction. Thanks!