

I have been inspired by all of your Lenten posts-my you all are lofty!  I won't be going quite so large scale, since I know myself and my "issues" with keeping things such as New Year's resolutions.  So I will try to make this doable for me, but still stretch myself.  I hope there is the natural accountability that comes with saying it out loud.
First of all, I always make it to stations the last Fri of Lent and that is it, even though I intend to go more.  Every year I find it so amazing, and love the one we use with the reflections that speak right to my heart.  I plan to go at least 3 times this Lent, hopefully more.  Since Charlie goes to bed early, and church is right down the street, this seems more doable this year.
Secondly, I am going to cut back on going to the store and the things I buy when I am there.  For most people, that would sound enjoyable, but it has become a easier for me to buy new items rather than work with what we have.  Also, I have beome a bit of a hoarder and its silly.  I actually get sick joy from owning a closet shelf of batteries and another of light bulbs so I can run upstairs and immediately change things to work again.  I also add things to the list as soon as we run out of them.  I am anal that way.  I am better at buying the ingredients than cooking the things I planned to with them.  Sometimes I don't realize what we have because its buried under other food in the freezer.  Dh will be very happy with this and the resulting grocery bill and it will force me to think ahead on meals and cook "real" meals more often that will be better for all of us. (Update-after reading on fasting, this doesn't seem to fit anywhere; sounds too New Year's resolutionish-will have to think on this-probably will do, but not really count at Lent?)
Third, I am going to limit tv and computer time.  I am still trying to think of what is reasonable.  This will give me additional time for prayer, and to spend with dh.  I am going off facebook completely, but that won't be too hard for me.
The usual fasting from meat and going to confession are on the list as well.
That is it; it feels like not much and daunting at the same time.  I know I have so many more things I could add, but since I tend to spend more time making a list than working on it, so I am just going to move forward with these and try to not overthink it.
Updated-ending with a beautiful prayer that I have always loved.  Came across it today in Word Among Us and so fitting for the start of Lent:
May everything we do begin with your inspiration,
continue with your help,
and reach  perfection under your guidance.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.  Amen


Thankful said...

Your Lenten plans sound very reasonable. I like your plans to attend the Stations more often. Have a blessed Lent.

Jeremiah 29:11 said...

Beautiful prayer!! I hope this Lent is fruitful for you. It's such a beautiful liturgical season.

mrsblondies said...

Your plans for Lent sound reasonable, and if you want to make the grocery thing more of an almsgiving thing, you could give the savings to Ope.ration Ri.ce Bo.wl. I hope you have a blessed Lent.