
Insurance and Sibling Madness

No time to update fully on the family situation, but can only say it is getting way worse. I have been disowned by my sister, she has disowned two other sisters and my mother, but I am her main victim. She is telling me its my fault if her kids are taken away, and if that is the case she will commit suicide and that too will be my fault. I, however, am in the Holy Spirit bubble, thank goodness as my blood pressure didn't even raise during that conversation, I just calmly let her vent and felt bad for her believing her crazy worldview is truth, and I haven't lost a night of sleep since. If that isn't the Holy Spirit, I don't know what is.

Moving on, I wanted to let all those that found their way here from the Dr. Toth discussion board know that all our claims were denied and so was our appeal. Today I found some potential light, however, because they are saying Jessica from the office (who provided the codes) used home health codes incorrectly. At first I thought a change of code would do nothing, as we were doubly denied for not precertifying anything (we were told not needed by husband's work). However I know from digging, it was the home health diagnosis that triggered the precertification requirement and if that is incorrect than maybe there's a chance. And I am sure all veteran readers of my blog know this, but dang those insurance companies because you sure can't get distracted for a second and not follow up, and you must ask question phrased perfectly every time. Exhausting and maddening!