
"Well-Meaning" TTC Advice

I had to post an TTC video by Strirrup Queen-I think you will all appreciate the good laugh about the "well meaning" advice given by family members, etc.  Though I have been blessed not to have to hear from many "aunt Jane's" myself, I was actually on the receiving end once.  A supposed friend of a friend was talking to me about our mutual friend, who was actually in a very similiar IF situation to myself.  This girl I was talking to, she just couldn't believe what a big deal her friend was making about getting pregnant.  I can still hear her words she said since they stung in my ears "why doesn't she just relax and have se.x with her husband already?!"  Geez, um, I'll be sure to let her know.  Obviously this girl had no idea what she was talking about-or to whom she was talking to!  Our friend had gone through years of heartache and tears, doctors and research, and miscarriage after miscarriage!  And this girl was supposed to be a friend!  There ought to be a manual!  (Come to think of it, I have seen a few good ones on blogs!)


a thorn in the pew said...

I had a "well meaning priest" give me that same advice. I actually had a priest tell me in the confessional that "maybe God didn't want me to conceive" and I should stop worrying about it. I have asked for the desire to be taken from me if it is never to be. But I continue, more now than ever(even after losing 4 babies) BTW, praying for you :)

Kaitlin @ More Like Mary said...

I also had a priest say some hurtful words "maybe you're not really ready for a baby". Ouch. I guess the only comfort is to realize that they are, in fact, well meaning.

stacym88 said...

I think we should keep track of all these and put them in a book. It's kind of a sick way to look at it, but it might be kind of funny. I guess I have to laugh or it'd make me cry!

the misfit said...

I've heard there actually was a married couple in Germany who never got the memo about the facts of life and came to their doctor with a question about the absence of babies, and had to have the mechanics explained. I'm not sure I really believe this (males seem to have this knowledge infused at puberty), but even if it's true, it's, um, rare. So...yeah. People are stupid.

WheelbarrowRider said...

That is sad to hear about the priests. I think sometimes part of the cross is educating others in a loving manner. Stacy, I don't think it is "sick!" We have to find humor in these things to get through, I think that is exactly the message "stirrup queen" was sharing! :) Misfit, sometime soon I will share my own rooky mistake at ttc so everyone can have a good laugh! Stay tuned...;)